Strengthening Participatory Ground Water Management in Guanajuato, Mexico

Increasing water shortages are often augmented by ground water resources, but the amount of extraction is seldom understood. Hence, groundwater is often used to compensate the gap between water demand and water supply. The objective of this study was to strengthen aquifer management in Mexico. To improve ground water regulation, an innovative tool has been built that allows stakeholders to interactively study the impact of groundwater management actions using satellite based information on the hydrology of the groundwater system.
Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modelling of the Rio Bravo, Mexico

Mexico has critical and urgent water management problems such as the over-exploitation of surface and ground water resources. Streamflow in the Rio Bravo has been severerly reduced by unsustainable irrigation practices. A diagnosis of the Rio Bravo and Northern Central Aquifers has been made to demonstrate management options. It also shows the minimally required data sets for policy decision making.
Mapping Ground Water in Sonora State, Mexico

Mexico is the number five on the world scale of ground water users. The Mexican government is developing ground water management plans to specify allowable extractions from aquifers. One of the first steps is to describe the extractions, both the artificial through pumps and natural through deep rooting natural vegetation.